World Mental Health Day

The Jed Foundation
Today is World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day, a good opportunity to remember that one of our greatest resources is the support and love we show one another. 

To kick things off, watch a recent conversation about all things mental health with our own Dr. Vic, as well as Lauv, Noah Cyrus, and Equilibrium Foundation. Check out the video on Lauv’s YouTube channel to hear more about his journey with anxiety and depression and watch the other panelists share their stories and advice around mental health.

In honor of World Mental Health Day, Lauv has joined Seize The Awkward to share how his friends have helped him through tough times.

Lauv Seize the Awkward

This afternoon, we’re co-hosting a Twitter chat with EVERFI (@everfi), Healthy Minds (@healthymindsnet), Active Minds (@Active_Minds), and the Steve Fund (@thestevefund). Join us from 3:30-4:30 pm EST as we explore insights on the state of youth/college mental health, promising practices, and the strengths of our young people. It will be an engaging conversation; we hope you can join us! 

We also invite you to check out our JED Voices and JED Storytellers videos to see how connecting with one another and sharing our stories can be a powerful way to reduce shame, prejudice and secrecy, and inspire us to be proactive about our mental health.

On this World Mental Health Day, reach out and connect. As always, JED is here with resources and support. 

All the best,
The JED Team

If you or someone you know needs help immediately, text “HELLO” to 741-741, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Find more information and resources at

Updates & Events
  • Let’s Talk about mental health! Some days words can be difficult to find — check out the “Let’s Talk” camera filter or grab a sticker here to start the conversation. PS: Each time you send a sticker, Facebook will donate $1 to a group of mental health organizations (including us!), up to $1 million. Here are some resources to help you continue the conversation.
  • Want to start a conversation with a friend about how they’re doing but not sure how? Ask them over a coffee! JED and #SeizetheAwkward are partnering with Cafe Grumpy to bring you buy one, get one free beverages at all NYC and Miami locations from now through October 20, 2019. Just mention “Seize the Awkward” at checkout. Reach out, grab a coffee and start talking. Learn more.
  • We’re excited to share the launch of the Mental Health Coalition, a collective of influential and respected nonprofits, businesses, and experts coming together to destigmatize mental health. Coming 2020 #MentalHealthCoalition. Learn more.
  • JED is grateful to partner with Child Mind Institute to raise public awareness for mental health and learning disorders in children and to highlight the 2019 Children’s Mental Health Report: Social Media, Gaming and Mental Health, which includes an essay by JED focused on suicide contagion and social media.


The Jed Foundation
6 East 39th Street, Suite 700
New York, NY 10016