Meeting Guidelines

  • Share the Air 

Everyone who wishes to share has an opportunity to do so. No one person should monopolize the group time. 

  • One person speaks at a time 

Each person should be allowed to speak free from interruption and side conversations. 

  • What is said here stays here 

This is the essential principle of confidentiality and MUST be respected by all. 

  • Differences of opinion are OK 

We are ALL entitled to our own point of view. 

  • We are all equal 

We accept cultural, linguistic, social, and racial differences and promote their acceptance. 

  • Use “I” language 

Because we do not participate in discussion groups as credentialed professionals, NO ONE CAN INSTRUCT. We can share from our own personal experiences. We can say: “when I was faced with a similar problem, I…” Always put things in the context of our own experiences. We cannot say – “you should do X.”

  • We avoid the following topics as they may unintentionally harm some participants: politics, graphic sexual themes, suicidal methods, and details of traumatic events.
  • It’s OK not to share 

People do not have to share if they do not wish to. Much can be gained by just listening. 

  • PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE while attending an online group meeting:

This is to obey the laws of the road and also not to be a distraction to the driver or the group, and to stay safe.