
Addressing Loneliness and Isolation

We are facing a loneliness epidemic that is impacting mental health and well-being. Research shows that 3 in 5 Americans feel lonely.[1] Additionally, Mental Health America’s (MHA) screening data continues to show that loneliness and isolation are major concerns for people seeking help for their mental health. 71% of people in 2020 reported that loneliness or isolation was one of the top three things contributing to their mental health problems.

We need to address this issue now. This is why MHA created a platform specifically designed to help this current need. When people have strong social relationships, they are 50% more likely to live longer! MHA’s I Am Not Alone site focuses on building meaningful relationships. We are an online digital community, created to help people build genuine connections and combat feelings of loneliness.

It is important to identify and solve this growing concern as loneliness can also impact overall health.

Research indicates that loneliness can cause the same amount of damage as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.[2] Loneliness is far-reaching and impacts various communities.

  • Young people are more likely to be at risk for experiencing loneliness. [1]
  • Black older adults have higher prevalence rates of loneliness and depressive symptoms.[3]
  • Immigrant, and lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations experience higher rates of loneliness.[4]
  • 50% of people with disabilities will be lonely on any given day.[5]
  • Those with lower incomes experience a higher loneliness score than those with higher incomes.[1]

Help us solve the loneliness epidemic


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[2] https://www.cigna.com/assets/docs/newsroom/loneliness-survey-2018-updated-fact-sheet.pdf
[3] https://academic.oup.com/innovateage/article/4/5/igaa048/6035206
[4] https://doi.org/10.17226/25663
[5] https://www.sense.org.uk/support-us/campaigns/loneliness/

Mental Health America (MHA)’s work is driven by its commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need them; with recovery as the goal.